fat tuesday

How to Enjoy Your Own Mardi Gras in Philadelphia

Today started as one of those days, woke up around 6AM and by the time the clocks hit 9 AM I was already going deep in some fun in real estate activities.

Then suddenly, my husband knocked on the door quietly as he knows I do not like to be disturbed while I am on the business. Words came out smoothly as I was staring into him: “Fasnacht” Then we found ourselves waiting in line at Holmesburg Bakery. Since the Covid-19 regulations require fewer people to be present in the little store, there was a long line outside. Luckily we were still early, therefore we did not wait long to enjoy the festivities.

 If you are not familiar with Fasnacht or Ash Wednesday  let me explain. Every year, Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of Lent. This year Ash Wednesday fell on February 17. Until Easter, Christians center their attention to the realization of how sinful an action, emotion, belief, or way of life could be so that they have the chance repent from their sins. You might be asking what this has got to be some delicious German donuts?

During the fast, you are forbidden to eat various types of meat, eliminating fat and dairy from your diet. It is a great way for one to use all the extra lard and sugar before fast starts. Fasnacht became a traditional delicacy that is made to celebrate the day: Mardi Gras aka Fat Tuesday. It serves as a great way to get rid of any extra lard, sugar, fat, and butter, which are typically fasted during Lent.

With the Covid-19 and all the negativity we witnessed around the world, you might easily forget about the traditions and different cultures. Also, if you are like me, not a very religious person, you might forget the significance of each day and could be reminded by your dear husband. I am really grateful that this tradition belongs to the Pennsylvania Dutch culture. You can witness sugary smell in the air in various Dutch towns of the state such as: Allentown, Hershey, Lancaster, Reading and York.

Please see below for some mouth-watering photos:

Let me know which bakeries you go under comments!

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