Seller Property Disclosure

You must also disclose property conditions as required by law in most states. These disclosures cover a wide range of structural, mechanical, and other conditions that a prospective buyer should know about in order to make an informed decision. Frequently, the laws require for you to complete a standardized form. Your agent should caution you […]

Lead-based paint hazards

Lead based paint was used as a pigment and drying agent in alkyd oil-based paint. Although lead-based paint may be found on any interior or exterior surface, it is particularly common on doors, window frames, and other woodwork. The federal government estimates that lead is present in about 75% of all the private housing built before 1978 or […]

Finalize The Sale

Closing is known by many names. For instance, in some areas, closing is called settlement and transfer. In some parts of the country, the parties in the transaction sit around a table and exchange copies of documents, a process known as passing papers (“We passed papers on the new house Wednesday morning”). In other regions, the […]

Home Inspection

Almost all purchase contracts include a home inspection contingency clause, a provision to allow the buyers to hire a professional home inspector of their choosing to thoroughly evaluate the home for any major problems. After you’ve accepted an offer on your house, the buyers will coordinate home inspection within 10-days in average. This is the […]

Enter Escrow

What happens during the time period known as “escrow,” between signing the purchase contract and finalizing sale on your home?  This is the final part in completing the sales transaction. During this part, all the paperwork and all parts of the contract are completed. When buyer makes an offer, they will need to deposit an […]

Sign a Purchase Agreement

This is going to be a long post, so grab your coffee and start exploring the most important real estate transaction: sales contract. It is the most important document in the sale of real estate. It establishes the legal rights and obligations of the buyer and the seller. Depending on the area, the contract may […]

Negotiate & Accept Offer

The culmination of your and your agent’s efforts to sell your property or find a suitable buyer occurs when you and the prospective buyer form a legally binding sales contract. Most often this contract is agreement of sale, agreements installment contracts are also used. In any case, the contract states the specific rights and obligations […]